The gender and inclusion strategic axis consists of building knowledge and practices that promote equality for women and vulnerable groups in the region, including women, the LGBT community and migrants. To this end, we strive to understand issues based on existing evidence, data collection and data availability for the improvement of inclusive public policies.

The concept of social inclusion recognizes that a person’s material living conditions and vulnerabilities do not depend only on their personal choices, but are multidimensional and exceed the individual. It also recognizes that the State must act to improve the material living conditions of individuals from multiple standpoints.

Within this context, ILDA strives to give visibility to those groups or individuals that are usually not included within the data and/or algorithms. The inability to register certain populations and the problems that affect them prevents governments and organizations from taking meaningful measures to improve the lives of these individuals. In order to provide visibility to all people and their varying situations, we are working to include them in the data being produced, while offsetting the risks that such visibility may entail.

Under this axis, there are projects related to inequality and violence based on gender, as well as understanding the situation of migrant populations and LGBT+ people, among other relevant issues. In all of these cases, we aim to contribute to the development of data infrastructures that allow for the generation of evidence to act on the problems of public interest that emerge.

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