Carolina Quintana

Carolina Quintana

Coordinadora de Administración

Carolina Quintana

Coordinadora de Administración

Carolina has a Degree in agricultural science management from Universidad de la Empresa – UDE, Uruguay, a bilingual secretarial degree with English from the José Pedro Varela College in Uruguay and a Web Designer degree from Taller de Informática. Prior to joining ILDA, she worked at the International Development Research Centre – IDRC of Canada for 12 years in different program initiatives, the Mining Policy Research Initiative, Connectivity in the Americas – ICA, Information and Communication Technologies for Development – ICT4D and Supporting Inclusive Growth – SIG. Later, she joined the South American Network on Applied Economics – Red Sur in 2014, an independent policy-oriented research network formed by fourteen Universities and Research Centers from South America.

She has worked closely with other international organizations as a local contact for the organization of international meetings, for Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO) and the Conference of the International Association for the Economics of Participation (IAFEP). She has experience working as proofreader for English into Spanish translations

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